What does an abandoned foundry have to do with mission?

foundry blog

In 1739, John Wesley bought an old cannon foundry that had been abandoned for 23 years. He fixed it up and turned it into a church and training center, where people from the community and circuit riders came in to be sent back out on mission. It featured stables for the horses and rooms for traveling preachers.

Eventually, they added a medical dispensary, surgeon, school, lending society, and almshouse to serve the community.

It’s in that spirit – of collaboration and mission – that we’ve launched the Foundry Online. It’s where you can find NewBreed’s resources, like articles, courses, and resources from Ralph Moore, and you can discuss the implications of the training with others who are on mission. You can stop in, get equipped, and then head back out to your circuit, on mission.

Don’t miss the community, collaboration, and conversation!

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