Guiding the Spiritually Curious to Jesus

guiding blog

In my last blog post, Engaging the Curious: Journeying Together to Jesus, I shared about the simple tool we use to help identify individuals engaging with our church plant who are spiritually curious. I also introduced the book/tool that we use to engage those individuals with the Gospel—Curious?: Everything you need to make an informed decision about Jesus.

In this article, my aim is to share some of the “why” and “what” behind this tool. Why a ten-week guide? What’s the heartbeat behind this journey? What does this journey look like? And what’s the ultimate goal?

There is no shortage of brief pamphlets, quick guides, and evangelism tracts floating around. And while we’ve seen those work in some contexts, they don’t seem to work well in our context, or with the individuals we are engaging with. We’ve heard that these are perceived by many as “cold.”

I believe that most people who hand out tracts are incredibly well intentioned (except for that time somebody walked into the restaurant I was waiting tables at and threw about 200 tracts all over the floor in the bathroom), but the reality is that many people perceive being handed a tract as “inauthentic.”

So, what’s the opposite of “inauthentic” and “cold?” “Authentic” and “hot!” (Or…in this case, “Authentic” and “Relational.”)

So when I was putting together this resource, creating something that was both relational and authentic was at the forefront of my mind. Because of that, the Curious? book is a ten-week guide to help spiritually curious people through a meaningful and transformative process, alongside a friend who genuinely cares for them!

Why a Ten-Week Guide?

Many ministries provide short, concise materials aimed at introducing people to the basics of the Gospel. While these resources have their place, they often fall short of engaging with the deeper questions and real-life doubts that many people wrestle with. A single pamphlet might “check the box” of providing information, but it doesn’t offer the space, time, or margin for someone to truly process and understand the life-changing message of Jesus.

Guiding the Spiritually Curious to Jesus Curious? is different. It’s a ten-week guide because we recognize that a life-changing faith decision is not something that can be rushed. It’s not about checking a box or making a quick decision; it’s about engaging in a process, exploring doubts, asking questions, and ultimately, discovering who Jesus is in a way that is both personal and profound.

Another profound difference between a short pamphlet and Curious? is that while the major Gospel tracts include Scripture that will (maybe) be read in a single sitting…this ten-week guide is driven by Scripture intended to be read every single day!

There is something very powerful and life-changing about engaging with Scripture for 70 days in a row!

The ten-week structure allows for a gradual unfolding of the story of Jesus, as told through the Gospel of John. Each day and each week, readers dive into a new aspect of Jesus’ life and teachings, starting with the foundational questions of who John is, and why John’s message even matters in the first place.

The goal is not just to inform readers, but to invite readers into a deeper relationship with Jesus. A relationship that is built on understanding, reflection, and genuine curiosity.

The Heartbeat Behind the Journey

The reason behind this extended guide is simple: We care deeply about authenticity and relational connection. We know that many times, spiritual growth doesn’t happen overnight. And while there are stories of quick and radical transformations, they are typically the exception, not the rule. So we don’t want to rush anyone through this important process.

The heartbeat of Curious? is for a believer who genuinely cares to walk alongside individuals as they explore their faith, providing them with the time and space needed to truly consider what it means to follow Jesus—not the Jesus they heard about from random memes on social media.…but the real Jesus as presented from an eye-witness account.

In today’s world, where information is often consumed in bite-sized pieces, it’s easy to overlook the importance of taking the time to deeply understand something so significant as a life-changing decision to follow Jesus. We wanted to create a resource that respects the complexity of this decision and honors the journey each person is on.

This guide is not about pressuring anyone into a quick choice, but it is about inviting them into a thoughtful, reflective process that leads to a well-informed decision.

What Does This Journey Look Like?

The journey through Curious? is designed to be flexible, meeting people where they are (it may take some people 3 weeks to read 1 week’s worth of content…that’s ok). While the book itself serves as the primary guide, it is not meant to be a solitary experience. It is meant to be read together with somebody, or several somebodies.

We strongly encourage those going through the book to not read it alone, but to connect with others who are also reading it alongside them.

  • Curious? Book Clubs: One of the ways we facilitate this is through book clubs. These groups meet regularly to discuss the readings, share insights, and support one another on the journey. We believe that spiritual growth is best nurtured in community, where people can ask questions, share doubts, and explore their faith together. The groups are led by members of our church who are passionate about helping others grow in their understanding of Jesus.
  • Guided by a Mentor: For those who prefer a more personalized approach, we also offer the option to go through the book one-on-one with a mentor. The mentor’s role is to guide the discussion, offer insights, and be a sounding board for any questions or concerns that arise during the journey. A guide doesn’t ever do the journey for you, but is on the journey alongside you, helping you navigate that path that they’ve already traveled.

A Journey, Not a Destination

Ultimately, the goal of Curious? is to help people make an informed decision about Jesus, but more than that, it’s about helping them along on their lifelong journey of faith.

We believe that the decision to follow Jesus is just the beginning (though there is often much journeying that leads you to this starting point). The ten-week guide is a starting point, a way to introduce people to the richness and depth of a life lived with Jesus.

While our continual aim is to never bypass the “dirty work” of evangelism and discipleship, we’re not interested in emotional decisions or shallow commitments. We’re interested in helping people grow in their faith, develop a deep relationship with Jesus, and become part of a community that loves and serves others in His name.

That is the “why” and “what” behind Curious?, a 10-week alternative to a 10-minute pamphlet. And that’s why we’re committed to walking this journey with our friends who are spiritually curious, every step of the way.

Ryan Sidhom is the church planter and pastor of River City Church in Vancouver, Washington, where he leads a vibrant community dedicated to service, fellowship, and spiritual growth. With a vision inspired by the early church in Acts, Ryan has guided River City Church in becoming a hub for community support and engagement. Under his leadership, the church has initiated numerous service projects, including monthly days of service, hygiene facilities for the homeless, and extensive volunteer work totaling over 45,000 volunteer hours in just 5 years. Passionate about church planting, Ryan started Multiply Vancouver to support the goal of Gospel saturation in Vancouver, WA. He pioneered the “Metaverse Mission Trip” in 2022, and he is the author of Curious?: Everything you need to make an informed decision about Jesus, as well as Changed By Love: Living a Spirit-filled life in a self-centered world, two parts of a five-book series aimed at raising up future church planters. Ryan lives in Vancouver with his wife, Clarissa, and their two boys.

The post Guiding the Spiritually Curious to Jesus appeared first on Newbreed Training.

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